Juries of international competitions honoured her...
... with awards such as 2nd prize and 'Yamaha Special Young Artists Prize' at the 74th Concours de Genève 2019, 'Prix Credit Suisse Jeunes Solistes 2019', 'Grand Prix' at the International Music Competition ENKOR 2018, 2nd prize and the special prize 'Best performance of a Belgian composition' at the Universal Marimba Competition in Belgium 2017, 1st prize and the special prize 'Best Snare Drum Performance' at the International Percussion Competition at Northwestern, Chicago 2016, 1st Prize and the 'Special Prize of the Bavarian Radio' at the International Marimba Competition in Bamberg 2016, 1st Prize at the International Marimba-Competition in Paris, 1st prize at the International Marimba Competition in Fermo (Italy 2008) and 1st prize and special prize at the International Percussion Competition in Plovdiv (Bulgaria 2007). She was also a finalist in the national Eurovision competition 'Young Musician of the Year 2009'.
We are delighted...
that Marianna Bednarska will henceforth officially represent the Kolberg name as the "Kolberg Mallet Artist". Together we pursue the mission of promoting and expanding percussion and percussion music throughout the world.
She has already manifested this ambition in numerous solo performances such as with the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the International Chamber Orchestra of Washington, the Sinfonia Varsovia, the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra, the Polish Radio Orchestra in Warsaw or the Lviv Philharmony Orchestra. In 2013, Marianna Bednarska was awarded the "Polish-Danish Friendship Prize" for her close connection to Danish musical life, which culminated in the CD recording of Anders Koppel's four marimba concertos (DACAPO Records, 2014), and was highly praised by international media such as "The New York Times", "Gramophone" or "Deutschlandfunk". In August 2019, she made her debut as a soloist at the Lucerne Festival.
Creating new performance traditions
But also her approaches to combine different musical styles, different performance traditions and the diversity of musical eras with innovative elements of music theatre and electronics make her one of the pioneers in contemporary percussion music worldwide.
For more informations about Marianna Bednarska visit:
Official website: https://mariannabednarska.com/en/
Marianna Bednarska's product recommendations:
Marianna’s personal Mallet recommendation for marimba soloists:
„Percussion mallets create a link between the artistic voice of a performer and the soul of the instrument, supporting us, percussionists, in expressing our own musical language.
On my artistic path, I often come across questions about the model of marimba mallets, which could combine versatility of use, comfort of playing and sound clarity, while respecting the sonic qualities of the instrument. Many years of musical experience with Kolberg Mallets inspired me to recommend my percussion colleagues the red Jasmin Kolberg Solo 1 model.
The mallets allow to achieve a pure and articulated sound throughout the entire instrument maintaining the depth of the instrument at the same time. The produced sound color remains homogeneous and voluminous, even with big dynamic contrasts, which allows to emphasize the transparency of melodic lines across the whole scale of the instrument, simultaneously respecting the nature of the lowest marimba bars through the additional hardness gradation of each mallet in itself. The construction of the model with its weight balance and shape enables a direct feeling of the instrument and thus, an effective control of the sound.
The mallets are suitable for a solo marimba repertoire, also enriched with a small setup or electronics, and for the ensemble literature - both for percussion and based on performance with other family of instruments.
I warmly encourage to personal discovery of the red Jasmin Kolberg Solo 1 model and the entire series of Kolberg Mallets!"
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